Category Archives: Environmental

Pointing cameras at sources of light in the community

Environmental Education & Action

Pointing cameras at sources of light in our community.

This is a playlist of YouTube videos I’ve made featuring Sandra Steingraber Ph.D., Robert Howarth Ph.D., Ron Bishop Ph.D., CHO., Thomas Shelley, Adam Law M.D., Michelle Bamberger M.S., D.V.M., and others, mostly responding to the prospect of hydrofracking in New York State. It is largely due to the hard work and dedication of people like these, who got themselves arrested in the name of environmental protection, that Governor Cuomo banned fracking in 2014.

But the threat remains, and hydrofracking, which even liberal-minded Barack Obama, got behind, is a big problem where it’s still being used. The methane it’s releasing into the atmosphere doesn’t stay where the gas is pulled out of the ground. It becomes a global problem. The most up to date science indicates that the best practice is to leave the gas in the ground and pursue sustainable energy sources, which are cheap and abundant.

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