- bryan
- per-person price for subcontractors2nd camera/sound
- we do not rent equipment without an operator
- Canon 7D, lenses, tripod, shotgun micDSLR camera packages (2 available)
- Roland R44, 2 wireless lavalier mics,portable audio rig
- 2 650w arri fresnel, 2 midgets, 1 soft light, various stands etclighting and grip
- editing and graphics workstationedit room
- mics, speakers, mixing boardP.A. system w/ multitrack recorder
- 4 hours
- half a day of Bryan alone with 1 DSLR and lights = $100 + $25 + $40equipment rentals are
added to
the labor rates above $25
- plus $100 labor = $140
- full day rate only
- 8 hours $50/hr after 8
- 8 hours $30/hr after 8
- packages are priced
per minutefinal running
see our production packages
for simplified pricing $50
- plus $200 labor = $240
- plus $200 labor = $350
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video, art & graphics production