While Hal drives, Will inspects a laboratory jar full of alcohol and pickled insects. WILL Do you ever feel bad about killing bugs? HAL Well, no. I'm learning about them. So their death serves a purpose. WILL Do you tell them that as you put them in the jar? "It's OK. Your death serves a purpose." HAL A bug's brain is pretty rudimentary. Hal obviously hasn't picked up Will's irony, and Will mimics his Dad's seriousness. WILL I was just kidding, dad. Hal slows down and looks INTO 6 EXT. FRONT YARD, DUVALIERS' - DAY 6 Sumac trees are taking over the yard of the huge white clapboard house. Both driveways are full of broken-down Volvos and motorcycles. JOE DUVALIER, a scruffy 47-year-old with thick glasses is standing in the driveway talking to STEVE, a thin guy with bad posture. 7 INT. HAL'S VW, FRONT YARD, DUVALIERS' - DAY 7 Hal sees Joe in the driveway. HAL Oh Christ. Hal leans out the window and addresses Joe. HAL (continuing) Is Kathy here? Joe speaks with a deep Southern drawl. JOE Yeah, Ah' believe she's in the kitchen. Hal sits there for an awkward moment. HAL Should I run in and get her? JOE Oh, by all means. Please. Joe turns back toward the house. JOE (continuing) Hey Kathy! Hal looks at Will. HAL You want to come in? WILL Sure. Will sets the package down on the seat and follows Hal. The two of them thread their way through the cluttered and overgrown yard. Hal speaks in low tones to Will. HAL I hate coming into this place but I didn't really feel like waiting with him either. 8 INT. LOBBY, DUVALIERS' - DAY 8 Will and Hal come in through the large, once-elegant hotel lobby. Now it's a repository of dirty clothes, ashtrays and bike parts. A piano is crammed into the mud room so they have to turn sideways to get by it. Hal mutters. HAL Jesus Christ. HELLO! KATHY (O.S.) I'm in the kitchen! Will and Hal follow her voice INTO 9 INT. KITCHEN/DINING ROOM, DUVALIERS' - DAY 9 There are SIX GRUBBY TEENAGERS sitting at a large table. When Hal comes in a cloud of quiet hostility comes over them. JUDE DUVALIER, a handsome 17-year-old with a rat's nest of long hair on his head, breaks the silence. He speaks in warm southern tones, like his Dad, with a wild-child Jimi Hendrix edge to his delivery. JUDE Hi Hal. Hey Will. KATHY BLUNK, a beautiful 17-year-old with dirty clothes and messy hair, comes out of the kitchen with a large pot of stew. Jude brushes his hand over her affectionately as she goes by him. The pot of food is met with HUNGRY GRUNTS OF APPROVAL. Kathy SHOUTS LOUD so that Joe, all the way out in the driveway, can hear. KATHY Joe! lunch! Beneath her dirty exterior, Kathy is a bright-eyed ball of fire. KATHY (continuing) I'll be ready in a minute. Will, dressed and combed against his own better judgement, feels stupid around his sister's unkempt friends. RICHIE, a bony tribe member, comes in behind Will and Hal with a banjo around his neck. RICHIE Hey, Mr Blunk, Hey Will. HAL WILL Hello. Hey. Richie addresses the room at large. RICHIE Check this out. Richie leans over his BANJO and starts FRAILING out an OLD TIME SONG. Will watches and listens with interest. Hal, though still impatient, is duly impressed. Richie finishes. RICHIE (continuing) That's "Possum up a Gum Stump." MORE APPROVAL. It would be very hard not to like Richie. WARD AND SHANE, two of the eating tribe members, talk with Southern accents. HAL SHANE That was great! Wow. Possum up a gum stump. Is "Possum" a noun there, or RICHIE a verb? You got any requests? I'll play for cheap. WARD "man, you 'possumed up' my damn gum stump man." Hal LAUGHS. HAL SHANE No, actually, we're runnin' Don't go possuming up on me kind of late. Kathy, are now. you ready? KATHY WARD I just gotta grab my bag. I think I like it as a verb. HAL We'll head out to the car. Will nods at various teenagers. WILL See ya later. GOODBYES all around. SOME SNICKERING. 10 EXT. FRONT YARD, DUVALIERS' - DAY 10 Will and Hal pass Joe and Steve, on their way to lunch. HAL Have a nice lunch. JOE Awrighty Ah' will. Y'all have a nice day too. HAL Thanks. WILL See ya. JOE Awright. Will and Hal get to the car. Hal gestures toward the door that Joe just disappeared into. HAL I can't get over Joe Duvalier. You know not one of his kids has finished high school! WILL Yeah, it's pretty ridiculous. Hal reaches over the roof of the car toward Will. HAL Do me a favor, man. Marry into a good family. Hal climbs into the car. Will gets in back. 11 EXT. FRONT YARD, DUVALIERS' - DAY 11 Kathy kisses Jude in the doorway. 12 INT. HAL'S VW, FRONT YARD, DUVALIERS' - DAY 12 Hal speaks to Will without looking at him. HAL Do you think she really loves him? WILL Dad, I DON'T KNOW. Why don't you ask her? Kathy jumps off the porch and strides toward the car with her leather bag. She gets in and lets out a sigh. Hal takes her elbow in his hand in a cautious act of affection. HAL Hi honey. Kathy pulls her arm away and scowls. Hal looks to Will. HAL (continuing) Are you ready, Will? WILL Yes. They pull out and drive silently for a while. 13 INT. HAL'S VW, COUNTRY ROAD - DAY 13 Will looks out at the field they're passing. WILL I climbed up the big pine tree yesterday KATHY Hmmm. She could care less. Hal sniffs the air inside the car and grimaces. Looking at Kathy, it's not hard to figure out what Hal is smelling. Her clothes look like they haven't been washed for weeks. Kathy stares moodily out the window. HAL When did you last take a shower? KATHY This morning. HAL Do you put on the same clothes after you shower? Kathy just ignores him. She pushes a scraggly piece of hair behind her ear. HAL (continuing) There's this kind of burnt garlic and creosote smell... KATHY Don't talk to me. HAL No, I'm just curious. KATHY DON'T talk to me. They drive in silence. WILL Gee, you're in a good mood. KATHY I was in a good mood. Hal studies his daughter's mood for a moment. She heaves another sigh. They drive silently. Will moves forward and leans over the front seat, eyeing his sister. Kathy just looks at him, then looks out the window. WILL Where are we going to eat? HAL I don't know. Where do you want to eat? WILL Can we go to Howard Johnson's? HAL How about you, Kath? Kathy spits the words scornfully. KATHY Fine. Whatever. HAL We'll see where your mother wants to eat. They drive awhile. HAL (continuing) Are you still thinking about buying a car? KATHY Yesss. HAL What are you looking for? KATHY An old Volvo. Hal thinks carefully and watches the road, weighing every word carefully for its paternal brainwash content. HAL Don't get one too old. With those foreign cars, you can end up spending a fortune on parts. And I know that you don't have a fortune. KATHY Dad... HAL All I'm saying is... KATHY Dad, JORDAN told me to get a Volvo, because HE can fix them. Free. HAL Yes, honey, but even Jordan has to buy parts. KATHY Ugh! What do YOU know about cars anyway? HAL Well, if you expect me to pay for it, maybe I ought to have something to say about it. WILL Come on! Kathy's voice is like breaking glass. KATHY Well, The welfare department seems to think you should pay either way. WILL You guys! HAL KATHY Well that's their damn Well, they seem to think problem if you were going it's your... THEY seem to to high school and living think it's YOUR problem... at home like every other... WILL Shut up! 14 EXT. COUNTRY HIGHWAY - DAY 14 Hal's rusty wagon SCREECHES to a stop. 15 INT. HAL'S VW, COUNTRY HIGHWAY - DAY 15 Hal is looking over the back seat and jabbing his finger at Will for emphasis. HAL Now look, THAT's no way to talk to either of us. I'm not gonna have you yelling SHUT UP to me in my own car! Hal starts driving again. Will is too mad to even cry. Kathy looks back at him sympathetically. He glowers back. HAL (continuing) Jesus! Look, I'm sorry. WILL That's alright dad, it's just the way you are. Hal SLAMS ON THE BRAKES again. The car stops. HAL God damn it! Look! We've got a long trip ahead of us so let's try to relax and have a good time. I'm sorry I lost my temper. Kathy, I won't say another word about your car. Will, I'm sorry. WILL O.K.! They drive silently. Breathing. HAL You guys KNOW that I love you, don't you? KATHY Oh, god! WILL Uugh! Will flops back on the seat, embarrassed. HAL I do. WILL Dad, really. KATHY Gimme a break! HAL Is it a crime to say "I love you"? KATHY You're acting like your mother. Hal wilts.